Small Business Incubator

Marketing & Promotion / Small Business Incubator

Small enterprises usually start with a bang. Owners have dreamed up a useful product or service that they are proud and passionate about and harbor no doubts of its success. But soon reality sets inthey realize that just the production side of the business exhausts their mental, physical, and financial  resources. Yet they are not even able to produce at the minimumrequired volume for the operation to be viable, which more often than not calls for improved processes, investment in additional equipment and the introduction of more advance technology. 

However, the challenges they face don’t stop there. As most established businesses know, in a world of competition, being able to produce a quality commodity in sufficient quantities is just the start of the game. Success will also depend or may depend even more on how well the product is branded, packaged, promoted, and marketed; activities that require a different set of skills than what it took to dream up and create the product or service.

This is where MSOLE enters the picture. The company partners with small and start up businesses with goods or services with upside potential and helps remove the bottlenecks or constraints that stifle their growth, thus ensuring their viability and sustainability.